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Fresh Concrete:-
Mixed On Site
Quantity Required
No Waste

Exact Mix Concrete Mixed On Site

Ready Mixed Concrete and Screed

Exact Group provide quality ready mixed concrete and screed all over the Midlands. We have a screed laying service with competitive prices and you only pay for what you require:-

  • Floor Screed
  • Screed Laying Service
  • Competitive Prices
  • Midlands Based

Helpful Advice Always Available

We help you with barrowing to get the concrete to where its needed. Also ask us for a price to lay & level:-

Typical Jobs:-

  • Foundations
  • Shed Bases
  • Garage Floors

Benefits of concrete mixed on site:-

  • Affordability
  • Efficiency
  • Quality


½ Cubic Metre. You only pay for what you require.

Exact-Group operates two vehicles therefore we could deliver you at least 20 cubic metres. This solution is best suited to extensions footings, patios, house foundations, pathways and drives especially when you are not sure how much you need.

Yes, therefore we can adjust the mix to meet your needs. Please discuss with us what you are building when you book in the delivery.

Yes, within 20 metres of the vehicle. The vehicle has a spare wheelbarrow which you can use.

2 / 3 wheel barrows will soon shift your delivery

Yes – for larger pours this can be very cost effective.  For smaller jobs wheelbarrows are the most economical option. The pumping comes from a separate vehicle so please do discuss when you enquire.

This depends upon the mix the air temperature when it is laid, ideally leave it a week at least to harden. Concrete typically takes 28-days to reach its maximum strength.

Yes, gloves should be worn and waterproof clothing – you do not want concrete touching your bare skin. If it does wash off immediately. Concrete is only a health risk when it is wet.

Yes, but unless you are in the trade chances are you would just call it mixed on site.

pipe for pumping the concrete
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From Foundation Trenches To Concrete Foundations In Less Than 1-day.

Once filing the foundation trenches would have been a long job mixing batch after batch of concrete to create the foundations for the next stage.

With our onsite mixing service the job is massively speeded up and there is no waste. No sacks of cement going off.

freshly mixed and laid concrete floor

The Old Concrete Floor Was Breaking Up

The solution a freshly mixed and poured concrete floor from Exact-Mix. No waste, no under ordering, mixed and delivered where and when you need it.

Grab Lorry Picking Up Waste From A Building Project

A grab lorry picking up building waste from a build in Solihull.

Grab Lorry Picking Up Waste From A Building Project

All Building Projects Depend Upon Solid Concrete Foundations

The benefit of having the concrete mixed on site is once you have sufficient we can stop mixing and there is no waste.

All Building Projects Depend Upon Solid Concrete Foundations

For many more examples or our Exact-Mix Service.

For More Information Please Call Today

Telephone 0121 784 7070 or if you prefer use 07584 11 22 33

Outside usual office hours please use our contact form and we will call you back.

Standard Concrete Strengths Available From Exact-Mix Onsite Concrete

Concrete can be mixed to the strength suitable for the job. The greater the ratio of cement to sand the stronger will be the concrete. However, cement is the more expensive ingredient hence people do not use the strongest possible mix for every job – it would be overkill.

Concrete consists of 4 main ingredients:-

  • Portland cement
  • Sand
  • Aggregate (small stones)
  • Water

The ratio of each of these ingredients can be adjusted to create the optimum mix for your job. Hence give us a call and we can provide the best solution for your mix. With your mixture being mixed onsite our highly skilled and experienced operator can confirm the suitability of the mx for your job.

Concrete comes in different strengths referred to by C and a number. The lower the number the weaker the concrete. The number refers to newtons after 28-days.

Kerb mix ideally for putting kerbs on a block paving drive, small walls, a shed base or new conservatory. Also floors with no metal reinforcing.

Typically used on domestic floors where there will not be much weight. Ideal for a garage base assuming you do not drive a tank.

This is our most popular mix for garage bases, footings and up to a double storage extension.

If you are using your concrete for a path and outdoor work where it is going to be exposed to the elements. Stables, concrete drive, patios and garages subject to larger heavier vehicles.
This for structural work such as piling and external walls and slabs where it is going to be subject to more wear and tear. If you are going to be having large lorries and agricultural equipment running over the ground yards and barns. If you are using steel reinforcements this is the one for you.
If you are creating structural beams footings which are going to be subject to considerable loads. If you are looking to park HGVs this is the one for you.

With 20+ years’ experience in the onsite mixed concrete supply and two vehicles out on the road every day you can be sure we have tackled every challenge and we have the expertise to provide you with the right mix for your job. Call 0121 784 7070 for delivery availability.

Why Deal With The Exact-Group?

The Exact Group actually have the machines to deliver the job:-

  • Grab lorries
  • Concrete crushers
  • Volumetric concrete mixers for concrete and screed mixed onsite.

If you are not in the trade you would be surprised how many websites offer such services as the above and then find someone to do the job.

Why does that matter?

Dealing direct with us saves you money!

Saving you hassle. If you have any issues, who are you dealing with? In reality the person you paid. If they then gave the job to someone else that puts you in a three way triangle. Much simpler to deal direct.

Please call today 0121 784 7070 for low prices and a great service.

Area Exact Mix On Site Concrete & Floor Screed Serves